Chapter 17 Offboarding

17.1 Checklist

  • Return keys to Sara or David
  • Clean out the refrigerator
  • Computer?

17.2 Unfinished projects and intellectual property

If a student or postdoc collects a dataset but does not completely analyze it or write it up within 3 years after the end of data collection, the project may be reassigned (if appropriate) to another person to expedite publication. If a student or postdoc voluntarily relinquishes their rights to the project prior to the 3-year window, the project will be reassigned to another individual. This policy is here to prevent data (especially expensive data, e.g., fMRI) from remaining unpublished, but is meant to give priority to the person who originally thought of the idea.

17.3 Staying in touch

Keep your contact information updated so we can reach out and share news with you. If you continue to attend conferences regularly, please come find us and update us on your research and life. Will there be PIE lab dinners at SPSP in the future? Maybe!