Please cite these data with the following reference:

Condon, D. M., Coughlin, J., & Weston, S. J. (2022). Personality Trait Descriptors: 2,818 Trait Descriptive Adjectives characterized by familiarity, frequency of use, and prior use in psycholexical research. Journal of Open Psychology Data.

Here we present codebook information for the demographic variables including summary statistics and distributions for each. Note that codebook information for the 5,636 vocabulary items has been omitted as this would compromise their validity for subsequent use. Contact the lead author of the reference above for access to this information.

The data can be downloaded here. NOTE that the csv version of these data will mis-read two adjectives when opened in MS Excel: “false” and “blasé”. These must be fixed manually prior to working with the data in Excel (but it appears to work as expected in R).

Please consult the reference listed above for more information about this project.



Dataset name: Trait descriptive adjectives (scored)

The dataset has N=3540 rows and 11 columns. 3320 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Temporal Coverage: Spring 2020 and Spring 2021

  • Spatial Coverage: Online

  • Date published: 2022-01-04

  • Creator:

name value
1 David Condon, Joshua Coughlin, Sara Weston



The participant recruitment platform from which the data were sourced.


Distribution of values for source

Distribution of values for source

12 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace
source The participant recruitment platform from which the data were sourced. character 12 0.9966102 2 0 5 8 0


How well do you speak English?


Distribution of values for english

Distribution of values for english

18 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
english How well do you speak English? factor FALSE 1. Very well (fluent/native),
2. Well,
3. Not well,
4. Not at all (Need translation)
18 0.9949153 4 Ver: 3391, Wel: 126, Not: 4, Not: 1


Where did you grow up?


Distribution of values for growup

Distribution of values for growup

20 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
growup Where did you grow up? factor FALSE 1. United States of America,
2. Outside of the US
20 0.9943503 2 Uni: 3422, Out: 98


Do you currently live in one of the 50 states of the USA or the District of Columbia?


Distribution of values for live

Distribution of values for live

23 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
live Do you currently live in one of the 50 states of the USA or the District of Columbia? factor FALSE 1. Yes,
2. No
23 0.9935028 2 Yes: 3409, No: 108


Please select the state where you currently live (or spend the most time).


## 49  unique, categorical values, so not shown.

133 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
state Please select the state where you currently live (or spend the most time). factor FALSE 1. Alabama,
2. Alaska,
3. Arizona,
4. Arkansas,
5. California,
6. Colorado,
7. Connecticut,
8. Delaware,
9. District of Columbia,
10. Florida,
11. Georgia,
12. Hawaii,
13. Idaho,
14. Illinois,
15. Indiana,
16. Iowa,
17. Kansas,
18. Kentucky,
19. Louisiana,
20. Maine,
21. Maryland,
22. Massachusetts,
23. Michigan,
24. Minnesota,
25. Mississippi,
26. Missouri,
27. Montana,
28. Nebraska,
29. Nevada,
30. New Hampshire,
31. New Jersey,
32. New Mexico,
33. New York,
34. North Carolina,
35. North Dakota,
36. Ohio,
37. Oklahoma,
38. Oregon,
39. Pennsylvania,
40. Rhode Island,
41. South Carolina,
42. South Dakota,
43. Tennessee,
44. Texas,
45. Utah,
46. Vermont,
47. Virginia,
48. Washington,
49. West Virginia,
50. Wisconsin,
51. Wyoming
133 0.9624294 49 Cal: 373, Tex: 256, Flo: 249, New: 249


Age (in years).


Distribution of values for age

Distribution of values for age

31 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
age Age (in years). numeric 31 0.9912429 18 40 82 41.53149 15.46967 ▇▇▆▅▁


Biological sex at birth.


Distribution of values for sex

Distribution of values for sex

31 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
sex Biological sex at birth. factor FALSE 1. Male,
2. Female,
3. Other,
4. Prefer not to say
31 0.9912429 3 Fem: 1840, Mal: 1662, Oth: 7, Pre: 0


Level of education.


Distribution of values for edu

Distribution of values for edu

31 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
edu Level of education. factor FALSE 1. Less than 12 years,
2. High school grad/GED,
3. Currently in college/university,
4. Some college/university, but did not graduate,
5. Associate degree (2 yr),
6. College/university degree (4 yr),
7. Currently in grad/professional school,
8. Grad/professional degree
31 0.9912429 8 Som: 1468, Hig: 1388, Cur: 307, Ass: 137


Racial or ethnic background.


Distribution of values for ethnic

Distribution of values for ethnic

33 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
ethnic Racial or ethnic background. factor FALSE 1. American Indian/Alaskan Native,
2. Asian,
3. Black,
4. Hispanic,
5. White,
6. Mixed (two or more),
7. Other
33 0.990678 7 Whi: 2556, Bla: 371, Asi: 218, His: 179


Household income.


Distribution of values for hhinc

Distribution of values for hhinc

33 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
hhinc Household income. factor FALSE 1. < 20K,
2. 20K-40K,
3. 40K-60K,
4. 60K-80K,
5. 80K-100K,
6. 100K-120K,
7. 120K-150K,
8. 150K-200K,
9. 200K-250K,
10. 250K-350K,
11. 350K-500K,
12. > 500K,
13. Prefer not to say
33 0.990678 13 20K: 959, &lt: 723, 40K: 630, 60K: 448


Proportion of correct responses.


Distribution of values for prop_correct

Distribution of values for prop_correct

192 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
prop_correct Proportion of correct responses. numeric 192 0.9457627 0 0.77 1 0.7223072 0.1961658 ▁▁▂▇▇

Missingness report

Codebook table

JSON-LD metadata

The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.

  "name": "Trait descriptive adjectives (scored)",
  "creator": "David Condon, Joshua Coughlin, Sara Weston",
  "temporalCoverage": "Spring 2020 and Spring 2021",
  "spatialCoverage": "Online",
  "datePublished": "2022-01-04",
  "description": "The dataset has N=3540 rows and 11 columns.\n3320 rows have no missing values on any column.\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n|name         |label                                                                                 | n_missing|\n|:------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------:|\n|source       |The participant recruitment platform from which the data were sourced.                |        12|\n|english      |How well do you speak English?                                                        |        18|\n|growup       |Where did you grow up?                                                                |        20|\n|live         |Do you currently live in one of the 50 states of the USA or the District of Columbia? |        23|\n|state        |Please select the state where you currently live (or spend the most time).            |       133|\n|age          |Age (in years).                                                                       |        31|\n|sex          |Biological sex at birth.                                                              |        31|\n|edu          |Level of education.                                                                   |        31|\n|ethnic       |Racial or ethnic background.                                                          |        33|\n|hhinc        |Household income.                                                                     |        33|\n|prop_correct |Proportion of correct responses.                                                      |       192|\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version 0.9.2).",
  "keywords": ["source", "english", "growup", "live", "state", "age", "sex", "edu", "ethnic", "hhinc", "prop_correct"],
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "variableMeasured": [
      "name": "source",
      "description": "The participant recruitment platform from which the data were sourced.",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "english",
      "description": "How well do you speak English?",
      "value": "1. Very well (fluent/native),\n2. Well,\n3. Not well,\n4. Not at all (Need translation)",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "growup",
      "description": "Where did you grow up?",
      "value": "1. United States of America,\n2. Outside of the US",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "live",
      "description": "Do you currently live in one of the 50 states of the USA or the District of Columbia?",
      "value": "1. Yes,\n2. No",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "state",
      "description": "Please select the state where you currently live (or spend the most time).",
      "value": "1. Alabama,\n2. Alaska,\n3. Arizona,\n4. Arkansas,\n5. California,\n6. Colorado,\n7. Connecticut,\n8. Delaware,\n9. District of Columbia,\n10. Florida,\n11. Georgia,\n12. Hawaii,\n13. Idaho,\n14. Illinois,\n15. Indiana,\n16. Iowa,\n17. Kansas,\n18. Kentucky,\n19. Louisiana,\n20. Maine,\n21. Maryland,\n22. Massachusetts,\n23. Michigan,\n24. Minnesota,\n25. Mississippi,\n26. Missouri,\n27. Montana,\n28. Nebraska,\n29. Nevada,\n30. New Hampshire,\n31. New Jersey,\n32. New Mexico,\n33. New York,\n34. North Carolina,\n35. North Dakota,\n36. Ohio,\n37. Oklahoma,\n38. Oregon,\n39. Pennsylvania,\n40. Rhode Island,\n41. South Carolina,\n42. South Dakota,\n43. Tennessee,\n44. Texas,\n45. Utah,\n46. Vermont,\n47. Virginia,\n48. Washington,\n49. West Virginia,\n50. Wisconsin,\n51. Wyoming",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "age",
      "description": "Age (in years).",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "sex",
      "description": "Biological sex at birth.",
      "value": "1. Male,\n2. Female,\n3. Other,\n4. Prefer not to say",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "edu",
      "description": "Level of education.",
      "value": "1. Less than 12 years,\n2. High school grad/GED,\n3. Currently in college/university,\n4. Some college/university, but did not graduate,\n5. Associate degree (2 yr),\n6. College/university degree (4 yr),\n7. Currently in grad/professional school,\n8. Grad/professional degree",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "ethnic",
      "description": "Racial or ethnic background.",
      "value": "1. American Indian/Alaskan Native,\n2. Asian,\n3. Black,\n4. Hispanic,\n5. White,\n6. Mixed (two or more),\n7. Other",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "hhinc",
      "description": "Household income.",
      "value": "1. < 20K,\n2. 20K-40K,\n3. 40K-60K,\n4. 60K-80K,\n5. 80K-100K,\n6. 100K-120K,\n7. 120K-150K,\n8. 150K-200K,\n9. 200K-250K,\n10. 250K-350K,\n11. 350K-500K,\n12. > 500K,\n13. Prefer not to say",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "prop_correct",
      "description": "Proportion of correct responses.",
      "@type": "propertyValue"