Load data and packages

library(here) # for engaging with working environment
library(rio) # for importing excel files
library(psych) # for scoring multiple choice items
library(R.utils) # just for the insert() function
library(tidyverse) # for data cleaning and manipulation
conflict_prefer("here", "here")
conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("count", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("mutate", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("summarise", "dplyr")

Qualtrics survey responses

The excel files contain raw data exported from Qualtrics. The first row of this file contains variable names, but rows 2 and 3 contain meta data. To account, we first load in all data as a “names” data frame and then data starting at row 4, for the raw data.

# read in form A (Prolific)
formA_names = read_csv(

formA = read_csv(
  col_names = F, skip = 3)

names(formA) = names(formA_names)

# read in form A (MTurk)
formA_names = read_csv(
  here("data/Form A_April 2, 2021_15.41.numeric.csv"))

formA2 = read_csv(
  here("data/Form A_April 2, 2021_15.41.numeric.csv"), 
  col_names = F, skip = 3)

names(formA2) = names(formA_names)

formA = full_join(formA, formA2)

# read in form B (Prolific)
formB_names = read_csv(

formB = read_csv(
  col_names = F, skip = 3)

names(formB) = names(formB_names)

# read in form B (MTurk)
formB_names = read_csv(
  here("data/Form B_April 2, 2021_15.44.numeric.csv"))

formB2 = read_csv(
  here("data/Form B_April 2, 2021_15.44.numeric.csv"), 
  col_names = F, skip = 3)

names(formB2) = names(formB_names)

formB = full_join(formB, formB2)

# read in form C (Prolific)
formC_names = read_csv(

formC = read_csv(
  col_names = F, skip = 3)

names(formC) = names(formC_names)

In forms A and B, variable names composed solely of numbers (e.g., 20001) refer to the specific variable number as included in the dictionary. These must be prefaced by q_ for readability.

names(formA) = str_replace(names(formA), # look in this vector of strings
                           "(^)([0-9]*$)", #match two parts. part 1: beginning of string, second part: digits 0 or more times and then the string ends
                           "q_\\2") # replace with q_ followed by the second part of the match

names(formB) = str_replace(names(formB), 

names(formC) = str_replace(names(formC), 

# an additional error in form C -- some variable names were coded with only the last 4 digits (i.e., missing the first "2")
names(formC) = str_replace(names(formC), 
                           "(q_)(\\d{4}$)", "\\12\\2")

Remove participants without valid Prolific or MTurk IDs.

formA = formA %>%
  dplyr::filter(!is.na(mTurkCode) | str_length(PROLIFIC_PID) > 3)
formB = formB %>%
  dplyr::filter(!is.na(mTurkCode) | str_length(PROLIFIC_PID) > 3)
formC = formC %>%
  dplyr::filter(str_length(PROLIFIC_PID) > 3)

Scoring keys

keyA = read.csv(here("keys/key_A.csv"))
keyB = read.csv(here("keys/key_B.csv"))
keyC = import(here("keys/key_C.xlsx"), sheet = 1)

Variable names composed solely of numbers (e.g., 1) refer to the response choice number as presented to participants. These must be prefaced by R_ for readability.

names(keyA) = str_replace(names(keyA), 

names(keyB) = str_replace(names(keyB), 

names(keyC) = str_replace(names(keyC), 
keyC = dplyr::rename(keyC, X = .)

The Key column indicates the position of the correct response. We create a key vector that contains the value of the correct response, not the position.

create_key = function(keydf){
  # select only response variables and concatonate by row into vectors
  keydf$response_vector = keydf %>%
    select(starts_with("R")) %>%
    pmap(~c(..1, ..2, ..3, ..4, ..5, ..6))

  # map across response vectors and key positions to pull out correct answer
  keydf = keydf %>%
    mutate(answer = map2_chr(response_vector, Key,

keyA = create_key(keyA) %>%
  mutate(form = "A")
keyB = create_key(keyB) %>%
  mutate(form = "B")
keyC = create_key(keyC) %>%
  group_by(Stimulus) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(form = ifelse(dplyr::row_number() == 1, "C", "D")) %>%

Merge keys together.

masterKey = keyA %>%
  full_join(keyB) %>%
  full_join(keyC) %>%
  select(X:Key, answer, form) %>%
  dplyr::rename(item = X)

Score data new

First, we merge all raw datasets.

all_data = formA %>%
  full_join(formB) %>%
alldata_scored = score.multiple.choice(
  key = masterKey$Key, 
  data = all_data[, masterKey$item], 
  score = FALSE)

Remove items which were mistakes (see key_C, sheet entitled linking C to A and B.)

remove_items = c(

remove_which = which(masterKey$item %in% remove_items)

alldata_scored = alldata_scored[, -remove_which]
masterKey = dplyr::filter(masterKey, !(item %in% remove_items))
all_data = select(all_data, -all_of(remove_items))

Data for publication


demo = all_data %>%
  mutate(comb_id = case_when(
    !is.na(prolificID) ~ prolificID,
    !is.na(mTurkCode) ~ as.character(mTurkCode),
    TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
  mutate(source = case_when(
    !is.na(prolificID) ~ "Prolific",
    !is.na(mTurkCode) ~ "MTurk",
    TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(row = row_number() + 1000) %>%
  group_by(comb_id) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(row = min(row)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(PID = paste0("R", row)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::rename(duration = `Duration (in seconds)`) %>%
    english_cat = case_when(
      english == 1 ~ "Very well (fluent/native)",
      english == 2 ~ "Well",
      english == 3 ~ "Not well",
      english == 4 ~ "Not at all (Need translation)",
      TRUE ~ NA_character_),
    growup_cat = case_when(
      growup == 1 ~ "United States of America",
      growup == 2 ~ "Outside of the US"),
    live_cat = case_when(
      live == 1 ~ "Yes",
      live == 2 ~ "No"),
    state = recode(states, 
                    !!!c(state.name[1:50], "District of Columbia")
    sex = case_when(
      sex == 1 ~ "Male",
      sex == 2 ~ "Female",
      sex == 3 ~ "Other",
      sex == 4 ~ "Prefer not to say"),
    edu = case_when(
      edu == 0 ~ "Less than 12 years", 
      edu == 1 ~  "High school grad/GED",
      edu == 2 ~  "Currently in college/university",
      edu == 3 ~  "Some college/university, but did not graduate",
      edu == 4 ~  "Associate degree (2 yr)",
      edu == 5 ~  "College/university degree (4 yr)",
      edu == 6 ~  "Currently in grad/professional school",
      edu == 7 ~  "Grad/professional degree"),
    ethnic = case_when(
     ethnic == 1 ~ "American Indian/Alaskan Native",
     ethnic == 2 ~ "Asian",
     ethnic == 3 ~ "Black",
     ethnic == 4 ~ "Hispanic",
     ethnic == 5 ~ "White",
     ethnic == 6 ~ "Mixed (two or more)",
     ethnic == 7 ~ "Other"),
    hhinc = case_when(
      hhinc == 1 ~ "< 20K",
      hhinc == 2 ~ "20K-40K",
      hhinc == 3 ~ "40K-60K",
      hhinc == 4 ~ "60K-80K",
      hhinc == 5 ~ "80K-100K",
      hhinc == 6 ~ "100K-120K",
      hhinc == 7 ~ "120K-150K",
      hhinc == 8 ~ "150K-200K",
      hhinc == 9 ~ "200K-250K",
      hhinc == 10 ~ "250K-350K",
      hhinc == 11 ~ "350K-500K",
      hhinc == 12 ~ "> 500K",
      hhinc == 13 ~ "Prefer not to say"))

Participants are excluded from analyses if they * complete the survey in less than 3 minutes (180 seconds), * don’t speak fluent English, * grew up outside the US, or * are currently living outside the US.

demo = demo %>%
  mutate(included = case_when(
    duration < 180 ~ "No",
    english > 2 ~ "No",
    growup == 2 ~ "No",
    live == 2 ~ "No",
    TRUE ~ "Yes"

163 rows are excluded on this basis.

demo = demo %>%
  select(PID, source, StartDate, duration, english_cat, growup_cat, live_cat, state, age, sex, edu, ethnic, hhinc, included)

names(demo) = str_remove(names(demo), "_cat")

demo$prop_correct <- alldata_scored %>% rowMeans(na.rm = T)
alldata_scored_df = as.data.frame(alldata_scored)
data_scored = cbind(demo, alldata_scored)
          file = here("data/TDA_data_scored.csv"))

# This output file has been posted on Dataverse at
# https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/5T80PF

We also save a shortened version of the master key object.

masterKey %>%
  select(item, answer, form) %>%
  dplyr::rename(adjective = answer) %>%
  write_csv(file = here("data/masterkey.csv"))

# This output file has been posted on Dataverse at
# https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/5T80PF