Participants (N = 975; 48.92% female) were, on average, 37.14 years old (SD = 14.51, minimum = 18, maximum = 84; see Figure 1A for the full distribution). A majority (66.67%) of participants identified as White only, and 10.36% identify as Black only; Figure 1B shows the other response options and frequencies. See Figure 1C for the distribution of education, and 1D for the distribution of household income.

Distributions of key demographics across the entire sample

Figure 1: Distributions of key demographics across the entire sample

0.1 Time

How much time elapsed between assessments?

data = data %>% 
  mutate(difference = as.numeric(start_date2-start_date))
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##   11.84   11.93   11.99   12.43   12.23   39.36      92

How long did it take participants to complete the Time 1 survey?

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   4.833   8.633  10.683  12.500  14.092  54.383

How long did it take participants to complete the Time 2 survey?

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##   1.367   2.467   3.217   4.317   4.658  34.633      92

0.2 Personality by block and format

See Table 1 for the descriptive statistics of each format by block.

Table 1: Descriptives of responses by format and block
Block Format M SD Median N (responses) N (participants)
1 Adjective Only 4.40 1.39 5 9196 242
1 Am Adjective 4.40 1.39 5 9082 239
1 Tend to be Adjective 4.29 1.39 5 9424 248
1 Am someone who tends to be Adjective 4.34 1.41 5 9348 246
2 Adjective Only 4.37 1.39 5 9271 975
2 Am Adjective 4.39 1.41 5 9262 975
2 Tend to be Adjective 4.38 1.41 5 9252 975
2 Am someone who tends to be Adjective 4.35 1.44 5 9265 975
3 Adjective Only 4.42 1.38 5 8360 220
3 Am Adjective 4.44 1.39 5 8246 217
3 Tend to be Adjective 4.29 1.42 5 8398 221
3 Am someone who tends to be Adjective 4.33 1.39 5 8550 225

See Table 2 for the descriptive statistics of each item and format in Block 1 (Time 1).

Table 2: Descriptives of responses to Block 1 by format and item. We report means and standard deviations.
item Adjective Only Am Adjective Tend to be Adjective Am someone who tends to be Adjective
active 4.21 (1.24) 4.20 (1.23) 4.00 (1.29) 4.04 (1.30)
adventurous 4.15 (1.40) 4.01 (1.30) 3.94 (1.33) 4.09 (1.29)
broadminded 4.73 (1.05) 4.67 (1.10) 4.69 (1.02) 4.62 (1.11)
calm 4.60 (1.18) 4.49 (1.23) 4.46 (1.13) 4.44 (1.23)
careless 4.62 (1.29) 4.66 (1.26) 4.46 (1.33) 4.64 (1.22)
caring 4.99 (0.96) 5.08 (0.92) 4.85 (1.01) 4.94 (1.05)
cautious 4.64 (1.02) 4.62 (1.11) 4.68 (1.03) 4.67 (0.94)
cold 4.60 (1.36) 4.60 (1.28) 4.28 (1.36) 4.43 (1.33)
creative 4.57 (1.26) 4.68 (1.17) 4.56 (1.30) 4.65 (1.32)
curious 5.00 (0.89) 5.10 (0.79) 4.98 (0.98) 4.97 (1.00)
friendly 4.95 (1.01) 4.90 (1.03) 4.75 (1.05) 4.90 (1.03)
hardworking 4.86 (1.08) 4.95 (1.02) 4.76 (1.18) 4.76 (1.20)
helpful 4.98 (0.94) 4.98 (0.98) 4.92 (0.94) 4.95 (1.02)
imaginative 4.71 (1.21) 4.96 (1.04) 4.77 (1.22) 4.85 (1.21)
impulsive 3.96 (1.36) 3.92 (1.43) 4.05 (1.34) 3.98 (1.38)
intelligent 5.14 (0.88) 5.08 (0.84) 5.04 (0.87) 5.02 (0.94)
lively 4.05 (1.26) 3.98 (1.26) 3.83 (1.33) 3.88 (1.26)
moody 3.81 (1.50) 3.75 (1.43) 3.59 (1.42) 3.73 (1.48)
nervous 3.53 (1.60) 3.44 (1.60) 3.19 (1.52) 3.15 (1.60)
organized 4.27 (1.35) 4.26 (1.41) 4.24 (1.40) 4.37 (1.30)
outgoing 3.36 (1.60) 3.35 (1.59) 3.18 (1.52) 3.26 (1.52)
quiet 2.61 (1.37) 2.69 (1.48) 2.64 (1.39) 2.60 (1.38)
reckless 4.88 (1.13) 4.77 (1.29) 4.64 (1.25) 4.74 (1.25)
relaxed 4.32 (1.15) 4.24 (1.23) 4.29 (1.13) 4.10 (1.25)
responsible 4.97 (1.02) 4.97 (0.95) 4.89 (1.09) 4.84 (1.10)
selfdisciplined 4.62 (1.22) 4.59 (1.21) 4.44 (1.28) 4.51 (1.22)
shy 3.24 (1.63) 3.13 (1.59) 3.10 (1.52) 2.98 (1.50)
softhearted 4.64 (1.24) 4.76 (1.11) 4.62 (1.15) 4.70 (1.26)
sophisticated 3.77 (1.34) 3.85 (1.27) 3.75 (1.25) 3.77 (1.29)
sympathetic 4.90 (1.05) 4.93 (1.06) 4.73 (1.05) 4.89 (1.03)
talkative 3.40 (1.54) 3.51 (1.50) 3.46 (1.53) 3.41 (1.58)
thorough 4.74 (1.03) 4.79 (0.96) 4.73 (0.93) 4.73 (1.07)
thrifty 4.43 (1.28) 4.24 (1.27) 4.41 (1.31) 4.52 (1.17)
uncreative 4.77 (1.35) 4.91 (1.21) 4.72 (1.37) 4.89 (1.33)
unintellectual 5.29 (0.95) 5.26 (0.98) 5.06 (1.07) 5.17 (1.05)
unsympathetic 4.92 (1.24) 5.09 (1.08) 4.77 (1.29) 4.91 (1.23)
warm 4.78 (1.06) 4.72 (1.12) 4.56 (1.10) 4.67 (1.14)
worrying 3.29 (1.57) 3.18 (1.63) 3.05 (1.51) 3.02 (1.58)

See Table 3 for the descriptive statistics of each item and format in Block 2 (Time 1).

Table 3: Descriptives of responses to Block 2 by format and item. We report means and standard deviations.
item Adjective Only Am Adjective Tend to be Adjective Am someone who tends to be Adjective
active 4.14 (1.20) 4.05 (1.41) 4.07 (1.25) 3.95 (1.43)
adventurous 4.04 (1.30) 4.03 (1.41) 4.00 (1.31) 4.00 (1.44)
broadminded 4.53 (1.17) 4.81 (1.14) 4.81 (0.99) 4.59 (1.17)
calm 4.58 (1.02) 4.49 (1.15) 4.50 (1.23) 4.35 (1.33)
careless 4.55 (1.26) 4.68 (1.32) 4.62 (1.29) 4.59 (1.34)
caring 4.87 (1.04) 4.99 (1.07) 4.91 (1.04) 4.91 (1.14)
cautious 4.65 (0.96) 4.60 (0.98) 4.58 (1.06) 4.70 (1.02)
cold 4.62 (1.33) 4.35 (1.44) 4.60 (1.36) 4.62 (1.40)
creative 4.69 (1.25) 4.67 (1.26) 4.66 (1.23) 4.74 (1.27)
curious 4.96 (0.87) 5.00 (0.90) 5.03 (0.96) 4.90 (1.02)
friendly 4.74 (1.06) 4.89 (1.02) 4.90 (0.98) 4.93 (1.05)
hardworking 4.86 (1.14) 4.87 (1.16) 4.77 (1.18) 4.80 (1.16)
helpful 4.97 (0.95) 5.08 (0.94) 4.98 (0.97) 4.95 (1.01)
imaginative 4.82 (1.23) 4.74 (1.14) 4.80 (1.25) 4.87 (1.17)
impulsive 3.95 (1.46) 4.15 (1.34) 4.13 (1.36) 4.25 (1.49)
intelligent 5.02 (0.96) 4.99 (0.86) 5.06 (1.01) 5.17 (0.98)
lively 3.87 (1.31) 3.98 (1.30) 3.78 (1.35) 3.85 (1.27)
moody 3.70 (1.51) 3.71 (1.50) 3.76 (1.55) 3.80 (1.51)
nervous 3.39 (1.61) 3.21 (1.60) 3.36 (1.61) 3.30 (1.55)
organized 4.36 (1.30) 4.40 (1.32) 4.45 (1.31) 4.34 (1.39)
outgoing 3.47 (1.63) 3.54 (1.61) 3.31 (1.59) 3.36 (1.65)
quiet 2.65 (1.39) 2.62 (1.43) 2.73 (1.35) 2.76 (1.46)
reckless 4.79 (1.21) 4.75 (1.36) 4.56 (1.40) 4.90 (1.23)
relaxed 4.35 (1.17) 4.35 (1.14) 4.09 (1.29) 4.17 (1.30)
responsible 4.94 (1.03) 4.89 (1.08) 4.95 (0.97) 4.72 (1.19)
selfdisciplined 4.67 (1.19) 4.63 (1.21) 4.58 (1.22) 4.49 (1.26)
shy 3.07 (1.59) 3.16 (1.59) 3.12 (1.59) 3.05 (1.61)
softhearted 4.74 (1.16) 4.74 (1.14) 4.71 (1.22) 4.74 (1.16)
sophisticated 3.81 (1.32) 3.89 (1.36) 3.88 (1.40) 3.76 (1.32)
sympathetic 4.82 (1.02) 4.84 (1.14) 4.84 (1.13) 4.91 (1.05)
talkative 3.37 (1.60) 3.56 (1.53) 3.40 (1.48) 3.39 (1.59)
thorough 4.85 (1.03) 4.73 (1.04) 4.72 (1.05) 4.73 (0.94)
thrifty 4.47 (1.28) 4.46 (1.32) 4.41 (1.26) 4.36 (1.31)
uncreative 4.84 (1.25) 4.80 (1.34) 4.78 (1.39) 4.89 (1.37)
unintellectual 5.21 (1.05) 5.20 (1.03) 5.23 (1.07) 5.09 (1.17)
unsympathetic 4.96 (1.21) 4.92 (1.15) 4.98 (1.18) 4.86 (1.26)
warm 4.71 (1.09) 4.71 (1.17) 4.69 (1.11) 4.64 (1.12)
worrying 3.21 (1.49) 3.31 (1.59) 3.45 (1.71) 3.08 (1.62)

See Table 4 for the descriptive statistics of each item and format in Block 3 (Time 2).

Table 4: Descriptives of items to Block 3 by format. We report means and standard deviations.
item Adjective Only Am Adjective Tend to be Adjective Am someone who tends to be Adjective
active 4.14 (1.20) 4.05 (1.41) 4.07 (1.25) 3.95 (1.43)
adventurous 4.04 (1.30) 4.03 (1.41) 4.00 (1.31) 4.00 (1.44)
broadminded 4.53 (1.17) 4.81 (1.14) 4.81 (0.99) 4.59 (1.17)
calm 4.58 (1.02) 4.49 (1.15) 4.50 (1.23) 4.35 (1.33)
careless 4.55 (1.26) 4.68 (1.32) 4.62 (1.29) 4.59 (1.34)
caring 4.87 (1.04) 4.99 (1.07) 4.91 (1.04) 4.91 (1.14)
cautious 4.65 (0.96) 4.60 (0.98) 4.58 (1.06) 4.70 (1.02)
cold 4.62 (1.33) 4.35 (1.44) 4.60 (1.36) 4.62 (1.40)
creative 4.69 (1.25) 4.67 (1.26) 4.66 (1.23) 4.74 (1.27)
curious 4.96 (0.87) 5.00 (0.90) 5.03 (0.96) 4.90 (1.02)
friendly 4.74 (1.06) 4.89 (1.02) 4.90 (0.98) 4.93 (1.05)
hardworking 4.86 (1.14) 4.87 (1.16) 4.77 (1.18) 4.80 (1.16)
helpful 4.97 (0.95) 5.08 (0.94) 4.98 (0.97) 4.95 (1.01)
imaginative 4.82 (1.23) 4.74 (1.14) 4.80 (1.25) 4.87 (1.17)
impulsive 3.95 (1.46) 4.15 (1.34) 4.13 (1.36) 4.25 (1.49)
intelligent 5.02 (0.96) 4.99 (0.86) 5.06 (1.01) 5.17 (0.98)
lively 3.87 (1.31) 3.98 (1.30) 3.78 (1.35) 3.85 (1.27)
moody 3.70 (1.51) 3.71 (1.50) 3.76 (1.55) 3.80 (1.51)
nervous 3.39 (1.61) 3.21 (1.60) 3.36 (1.61) 3.30 (1.55)
organized 4.36 (1.30) 4.40 (1.32) 4.45 (1.31) 4.34 (1.39)
outgoing 3.47 (1.63) 3.54 (1.61) 3.31 (1.59) 3.36 (1.65)
quiet 2.65 (1.39) 2.62 (1.43) 2.73 (1.35) 2.76 (1.46)
reckless 4.79 (1.21) 4.75 (1.36) 4.56 (1.40) 4.90 (1.23)
relaxed 4.35 (1.17) 4.35 (1.14) 4.09 (1.29) 4.17 (1.30)
responsible 4.94 (1.03) 4.89 (1.08) 4.95 (0.97) 4.72 (1.19)
selfdisciplined 4.67 (1.19) 4.63 (1.21) 4.58 (1.22) 4.49 (1.26)
shy 3.07 (1.59) 3.16 (1.59) 3.12 (1.59) 3.05 (1.61)
softhearted 4.74 (1.16) 4.74 (1.14) 4.71 (1.22) 4.74 (1.16)
sophisticated 3.81 (1.32) 3.89 (1.36) 3.88 (1.40) 3.76 (1.32)
sympathetic 4.82 (1.02) 4.84 (1.14) 4.84 (1.13) 4.91 (1.05)
talkative 3.37 (1.60) 3.56 (1.53) 3.40 (1.48) 3.39 (1.59)
thorough 4.85 (1.03) 4.73 (1.04) 4.72 (1.05) 4.73 (0.94)
thrifty 4.47 (1.28) 4.46 (1.32) 4.41 (1.26) 4.36 (1.31)
uncreative 4.84 (1.25) 4.80 (1.34) 4.78 (1.39) 4.89 (1.37)
unintellectual 5.21 (1.05) 5.20 (1.03) 5.23 (1.07) 5.09 (1.17)
unsympathetic 4.96 (1.21) 4.92 (1.15) 4.98 (1.18) 4.86 (1.26)
warm 4.71 (1.09) 4.71 (1.17) 4.69 (1.11) 4.64 (1.12)
worrying 3.21 (1.49) 3.31 (1.59) 3.45 (1.71) 3.08 (1.62)

0.3 Response by format

In Table 5 we show the proportion of participants within condition who gave a specific response. Note that we only use blocks 1 and 2, as these are the blocks used for the primary analyses (expected response, extreme responding, and yea-saying).

items_df %>% 
  filter(block %in% c(1,2)) %>% 
  filter(!(item %in% bfmm)) %>% 
  count(format, response) %>% 
              percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>% 
  select(-n) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = format, values_from = percent) %>% 
  kable(digits = 2, 
        booktabs = T,
        caption = "Proportion (out of 100) of response within condition by resposne option. These are calculated using Blocks 1 and 2.") %>% 
Table 5: Proportion (out of 100) of response within condition by resposne option. These are calculated using Blocks 1 and 2.
response Adjective Only Am Adjective Tend to be Adjective Am someone who tends to be Adjective
1 3.66 3.90 3.99 4.34
2 6.63 6.46 7.24 7.09
3 12.29 11.58 12.14 12.27
4 22.30 22.87 23.56 22.41
5 31.67 30.95 30.58 29.98
6 23.44 24.23 22.49 23.91